Block of the day
it seems like journalling is becoming a thing these days, and part of me wants to jump right in and play along, either with lists or special books or whatever, but another part of me remembers the Project Life album I requested 4 years ago that remains unopened, etc, and thinks perhaps something simpler would […]
Changing pad

I needed a simple changing pad that would easily fit in my bag so I made one (pencil for scale), using this awesome red/white print (Pop Posies by Nancy Mims for Robert Kaufman, coming soon). I love this print. It looked like plus signs to me until I used it, and now it looks like […]
new workspace….
I have a LOT of fabric. and right now, most of it looks like this: it started in organized bins and tubs… Quilting Cottons, Knits, Home Dec, etc…. but as my stash expanded, the bins started overflowing… so now we’re working on something like this: I’m slowly folding all my fabric onto comic book boards […]
Valentine dress for the Bean
working the kinks out of another dress idea… this is the second attempt. the first went prefectly, but I had no pattern, and didn’t write anything down… recreating is always harder than just winging it… luckily, she’s cute no matter what. fabric is RK pomegranate and some soon-to be released hearts (scraps from when I […]
a BUNCH of Sailor Pants for D
The boy-o put in a request for lots more sailor pants, which I love for summer, because a) they cover his knees so he gets cut up less, b) they look really stinkin’ cute on him. Right? I cut out a big pile on Sunday, and sewed a lot yesterday, so today he has 5 […]
using up scraps/experimenting
So, as mentioned before, I have a million scraps leftover from market… so I’ve been playing… A long long time ago, I pinned a gorgeous quilt on pintrest, but the poster didn’t know the name of her pattern, it was a family heirloom… I finally tracked down the name, maybe (Missouri Starflower, maybe?) but still […]
Magical Rainbows quilt (finished!)
Another WIP crossed off my list! After I made the Kona banner for the We Love Color market booth, I had a yummy stack of all the new Kona colors, so I quickly cut them up and whipped this out. It’s a mildly wonky log cabin, measuring in at 57×74″, so it’s awesome for the […]
Finally finished knitted longies
Front: Back: I LOVE them. made in a size 9m, so hopefully he’ll be at least scooting, if not crawling, while wearing these, so his cute little cloth-diapered monster butt will be visible. pattern is based on the Budgie Bloomers (from ravelry) pants… with lots of improvised modifications….
I’m trying to knock stuff off my to-do list (so that I can justify adding to it!) first up was this found quilt top… I used leftovers from the new Lazy Daisy Baskets line, by Darlene Zimmerman, with this cute Mother Goose panel… I like the back better than the front…. …probably because the front […]
Seat belt strap cover thingys
I don’t know what these are called…. But I made 3 of them last night in well under an hour. They sell them at target (UGLY) for $11/pair. I like mine better, (and so do the kiddos) I just grabbed scraps out of my scrap bin for the squares, and the binding from binding scraps…. […]