A day in the life of a sample seamstress…

I was looking through my phone this morning, and realized I have a bunch of pics of market stuff that I can’t share yet, but I also have a bunch of random stuff that I *can* share…. so here’s a random collection of photos from 1 day last week: my cutting table, 2 days after […]

I hate magenta.

I made this super awesome dress for the Bean, using a vintage pattern…. (sorta. I mean, I copied a vintage pattern but used her sloper) anyway, to make the grey a little more girlie, I embroidered some flowers. And the old magenta floss I used bled all over. poop.

Little Killa quilt

This was one of the last minute quilts made for the RK booth… I got the fabric the week of market, so I had to design, piece, quilt and bind in a single day. This adorable fabric is called Little Kukla (which autocorrects to Killa on an iphone, hence the title of this post). I […]

Scrap/vintage sewing

I made this sunsuit from one of those vintage patterns I bought last month… it’s a size 1, and I mostly wanted to see the construction and assembly… I think it came out cute enough that I’ll draft a larger version for the Bean later this summer… I used leftover Essex Linen in awesome Hot […]

Another Ottobre shirt

This shirt honestly takes longer to cut than to sew, (the whole thing takes well under an hour), but the finished product is AWESOME. (it’s an Ottobre pattern). I used scraps from my market sewing to whip this out last night… IMO, it would look nicer with some solid colored pants or a skirt, but […]

C’s office quilt

My poor husband often pulls all-nighters at his office, witha quick 3-am power nap…. I decided he needed a small (throw?) quilt to cuddle into when he was too exhausted to drive home…. so here it is: it’s like 60×70 ish, maybe (I haven’t measured), and made from all fabric on hand (except the green, […]

KCWC day 1: a red froggie dress

I love honeycomb stitches… I spent all day on a quilt for C, (for his office), and then realized that it was the first day of the challenge, (and the Ottobre Kids magazines I ordered haven’t come yet), so I grabbed some Kona Tomato (left over from the bunting quilt), and some scraps of this […]

A boy doll for the Bean’s boy…

My daughter’s love is a little boy called Pickle (fate, right?). For his birthday she and I decided he needed a boy doll so he didn’t always have to play with the girl dolls. She chose the Eddie doll from Wee Wonderfuls, and we made it yesterday and today. I used the scraps from the […]

A bag.

as part of passing on a board position at the kiddos’ preschool, I made a bag to hold the 1st VP binder…. I used some stash gaberdine, some lovely circa 1934 dots (won during the White Elephant at the LAMQG retreat), and some Quilters Linen (LOOOOOVE) I put pockets inside for pens, keys, etc, and […]

Crockett pants

Im preparation for the new arrival…. a pair of wool longies (hopefully a long size 3-6m)… just because, I knitted the Fibonacci sequence in on one leg…. (starting on the left, with the orange: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and then the cuff…) I also drafted out a pair of 3-6m pants, with extra […]