Another WIP crossed off my list!
After I made the Kona banner for the We Love Color market booth, I had a yummy stack of all the new Kona colors, so I quickly cut them up and whipped this out. It’s a mildly wonky log cabin, measuring in at 57×74″, so it’s awesome for the sofa… because of all the bright, fun colors, I’m also fine taking it to the park, etc (it was heavily used yesterday at the windiest baseball game ever).
D immediately named it the Magical Rainbows Quilt, and told me to quilt a tornado all over it… so, since he’s the birthday boy this month, I did.
After hunting around at several stores, I finally found the colors I wanted in Perle 12 (not 8, which is what I wanted, but I wound up liking 12 even more) at Needlepoints West. You can barely see the stitches on the front, but the back shows the tornado…
there’s a tornado starting on the bottom center, but you probably have to click to see it big….
the back is a bunch of Kona coal (the only not-new Kona in the whole quilt) and all the trimmings from the front.
LOVE. especially since it’s done, in use, and my WIP list is getting smaller!