When in Rome…

Playing with strings on the log cabin blocks reminded me that I had most of the blocks I need for a paper-pieces throw quilt, so I pulled the finished ones out, and figured out which ones I needed. I decided to add 11 blocks for a 5×7 layout. Crockett was really intent on lego and […]

It feels like it’s been so long since I loved quilting, but I miss it, and I’m trying to force myself back. These are little moments of joy that I need to remember. Basting: I don’t love the actual process of crawling around on the floor, but I do love the meditative aspect. As I […]
Scandi bandi
My friend Julie says everyone is doing it, so of COURSE I had to join her on the Scandinavian Star bandwagon. I mean, they’re JUST SO CUTE. And… um…. I have plenty of fabric scraps. I could probably make enough to cover a christmas tree lot. 😜 Instant gratification! Back to actually basting!
Alliteration: Bungus and Bag help me baste a baby quilt
Oh, hey, look, a quilt post! One of my cousins is having a baby, and I serendipitously found some cute retro novelty fabric I’d cut up for a quilt…. 15 years ago? So I grabbed all the blues and white-ish ones (with, of course, a few random bright yellows just to mix it up), and […]
the PE Play Dress pattern!
Ok, so a month ago, the lovely peeps at Robert Kaufman asked if I could make the Speedy Zip Dress in a knit for their Spring Quilt Market booth. I said yes (duh), but after lots and lots of tests, had to just write a whole different pattern for the knit fabric. So it looks […]
PAINT! giveaway {giveaway now closed}
random.org says #20 is the winner thanks for participating! My friend Carrie is a beautiful person, and I’m lucky enough to be part of her bloghop, so here’s a COMPLETELY BIASED WITH LOVE review of her new fabric line for Windham, PAINT! isn’t it pretty!!! I knew immediately that the rich colors and artistic theme […]
BoPeep Dress and Tunic Pattern Giveaway!
As mentioned in this post about PAINT! I’ve totally redesigned my BoPeep pattern, and I’m in LOVE. it’s super clean and reversible, and, best of all, my daughter LOVES it. She has about 8 now, that she wears pretty much constantly. I posted some of my tests on Instagram, (I’m @ramonarose over there), and some […]
Shamrock quilt
It’s finished! I made this little baby quilt as a fundraising item for Lyons Academy of Irish Dance (D and the Bean both dance here). My friend Sandi, @missplanner on instagram, was kind enough to share her shamrock block dimensions with me, so I whipped out the top in one night (patchwork is cotton, solids […]
Bigfoot Quilt (top)
ok, so there’s a new wave on Instagram (I’m @ramonarose over there), led by Katy and Dana, to make Scrappy Bear Paw quilt blocks (to be made into a quilt, obv.). I have been lusting after the beautiful blocks, but I’m really really really trying to finish up my long ignored WIPs, so I was […]
How I spin multi-points.
Hey Lindsey, this is how I spin my triangle points. 1. I figure out how to sew 1/2 the block (so I have a straight 180 line.) (sample quickly made with leftover bunting triangles, so they’re not perfect, but they were already cut and near my machine). Finger press (or iron press, but I’m too […]