When in Rome…

Playing with strings on the log cabin blocks reminded me that I had most of the blocks I need for a paper-pieces throw quilt, so I pulled the finished ones out, and figured out which ones I needed. I decided to add 11 blocks for a 5×7 layout. Crockett was really intent on lego and […]


It feels like it’s been so long since I loved quilting, but I miss it, and I’m trying to force myself back. These are little moments of joy that I need to remember. Basting: I don’t love the actual process of crawling around on the floor, but I do love the meditative aspect. As I […]

Scandi bandi

My friend Julie says everyone is doing it, so of COURSE I had to join her on the Scandinavian Star bandwagon. I mean, they’re JUST SO CUTE. And… um…. I have plenty of fabric scraps. I could probably make enough to cover a christmas tree lot. 😜 Instant gratification! Back to actually basting!

Alliteration: Bungus and Bag help me baste a baby quilt

cats and quilts

Oh, hey, look, a quilt post! One of my cousins is having a baby, and I serendipitously found some cute retro novelty fabric I’d cut up for a quilt…. 15 years ago? So I grabbed all the blues and white-ish ones (with, of course, a few random bright yellows just to mix it up), and […]

Easy Easy Hard

3 knitted dinos

I saw this pattern last year right after Dinovember and I just KNEW it’d be the perfect thing for the dinosaurs to leave at the end of this year. Dinosaur Dig So I made these cute little T-rexes, made a mess of my yarn to set the stage, ordered up some yarn, and started knitting. […]

Presentation and deadlines…

As I was frantically knitting this morning, and thinking about how bad I am at presentation (wrapping, arranging, etc) I realized that maybe i can shift my thinking from “I suck at wrapping,” to “I expand so much energy in the making of gifts, (and I’m usually down to the wire, knitting or sewing in […]

Dress testing

Last week we were at Disneyland, and TheBean asked for one of the (overly-priced, nasty-polyester) dresses in the BibbityBobbityBoutique. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Disneyland. But… ICK. She’s never seen any of the princess movies (her choice! Darren has, and I’m fine with them)… But the dresses.. I see these kids at D-lamd, tottering […]

Trading Funbots

  It’s Quilt Market prep time around here, hence the radio silence. I was asked to design some stuffed robots based on Ann Kelle’s new Funbots… (click over to see the line, then check out D and my robot:   pipe-cleaners for hands means he can hold things!   this 6 year old boy is […]


I’m making some robot toys for the Robert Kaufman spring quilt market booth. They’re completely inspired by Ann Kelle’s Funbot fabric. And BOY ARE THEY FUN! This boy gets bonkers everything he gets to help play with them as I make them. They completely bring out his inner silly. (His #amineko, Green, is in for […]

#scrappytripalong and a cat

I couldn’t resist. Some peeps on instagram have started a quilt along with scrappy Trips Around. The world, and the blocks looked so cool! I made 4 today, and I love them. Each block is 7×7 2.5 inch squares, with kona ash as the center diagonal (because I had a roll up of kona ash […]