trying to get a good shot…

I made this dress well over a year ago… maybe even while I was still preggers… I think I photographed it when I made it, but now that its ON my daughter, I’d love a pic… of course, getting a 21month old to POSE is NOT going to happen…so here she was climbing a fence […]

June Bee blocks….

k, I’m in 3 bees right now, and I’m falling behind! I totally need to get cracking on July’s blocks! I DID finish my june blocks in time, and got them out the door by the 28th of June…. so the delay is not me slacking in sewing, but in posting… oh well… a “confetti” […]

bumbling along…

I’m working my way through a ton of tute/patterns online right now, trying to figure out exactly what I want… This came out pretty cute, if I do say so myself… of course, the novelty print (which is OBVI from Momen+), helps a great deal… I LOVE the little mushrooms! the inside holds lips of […]

baby quilts for a friend’s twins…

tada!here’s the finished product… a friend from when I did Stroller Strides just had twins, and to celebrate their first 100 days (a Korean tradition?), they had a lovely little party… I made these coordinated blankets for the little ones… blue for Bennet pink for Brooke…. I had the ruffle fabric and the minkee backing […]

Killy’s cold shoulder

I won't let him sit on my lap, because I'm knitting, so he's on the coffee table, as far from me as his fluffy orange butt can get, despite the fact that he's crowded by books and trains.

the three little pigs!

Hey Little Bean, who’s that on your dress? Oh my! the three little pigs? they’re PINK! But you’d better watch out, ’cause here comes: the BIG BAD WOLF! it even looks good SOAKING WET! (I’m so proud of this dress! I used the pattern from the Warhol dress on MADE, but I had to draft […]

Sneak peak!

Gifts for a friends twin babies… Pale blue minkee on the back of both.

Watermelon longies.

I need to stitch in the black seeds, but I'm soooo pleased with how they're comin' out! I think I need another green, lighter, so I can make the legs stripey. More like a watermelon. Or maybe I'll just do green and white. Not sure yet. Must consult with the graphic designer-in-residence (C).