busy girl…

her dress matches her cellphone. of course. It’s amazing how much fabric can influence the look of the dress… This dress is the same as THIS DRESS, but the pink one looks way vintage, and I think this one looks super modern, but still childish, which was the goal… this is more fabric from Sew Modern… […]

sweet pants (that’s not a typo)

Aren’t these FUNKY?they’re not lightweight cotton, they’re more like almost a canvas weave, but with this awesome frog print…. D saw the fabric at Sew Modern and asked for them, and I figure you can only wear frog pants for so long in your life, ya know? obviously D needed pockets to store his toys, so […]

Easy Peasey PLAY Pants!

Hey, GUESS WHAT!?!?!(front view bove, back view below)on Wednesday, March 2 (like, in a week and a half), from 6-8pm, I’m teaching a pants class at Sew Modern! I’m super excited, because pants for babys and little kids are REALLY easy and fast to sew up, and make great gifts for birthdays, etc, as well as […]

Spring Dress for Little Chicks!

I’m so excited! Lauren, the owner of the AWESOME new sewing lounge/fabric store, Sew Modern, has invited me to teach a class at her store!I’m going to do an easy kids pants class on March 2, at night, and I’m also going to offer THIS DRESS as a class in April… It’ll be a 2 Saturday-session class, […]

Happy Valentines Day!

Love is loving your children even when they won't eat the nuggets you made for them from scratch, and allowing them to remain unscathed when they tell you that store-bought ones are WAY BETTER. We made chicken nuggets from scratch (complete with MASSIVE mess), I finished two more stitchalong motifs, and am almost done with […]

Boy Valentines…

here’s a sample of what I did for D’s school valentines… He loved the saying on the front, so C typed that up, and figured out placement, and then I made D write the rawr! Darren on the back, and I scanned it in, and C again figured out placement, and then we printed them […]

Expedition Dress, tester

    I’m squealing with delight over here, so thrilled with how this dress turned out.I made it in a 3T, and used tester fabric, just to make sure all the pieces went together, etc, but then it came out so, so, SO well, that I kept going, and finished it, and added the embroidery, and I […]

february block

   ugh, I’m having photo publishing problems. anyway, isn’t this a GORGEOUS block? It’s from Material Obsession 2, and here’s a good tutorial….unfortunately, it’s for a Bee, so I don’t get to keep it. i LOVE it.

eau de mer dress

So it turns out my husbands dream store (a local home brew/craft beer supply store) is on the block behind my favorite fabric store (Momen +, in Torrance) or, rather, my old fave, because now my fellow LAMQGer has her own store, Sew Modern, in LA by the Westside Pavilion, and it’s AWESOME!…anyway, so my […]

my little leprechaun

It was boring bright green, so I thought I’d paint on a little rainbow, and then I potato-stamped on some clovers, but it came out looking more home-ec than silk-screened awesomeness, so…. it’ll be perfect for playing in the backyard… ps- is there such a thing as a female leprechaun, or are they all dudes?