My love of Teal

I saw this post about Rae’s old house yesterday, and realized that I really really really wanted to paint our front door.  We had to go to Lowe’s this morning anyway, to do the kids clinic (they LOVE it), so I bought a little thing of exterior paint in the PERFECT shade of blue “Valspar Vintage Teal”) I […]

Adding to the list…

Tada! A finished bunny for C's grandma, for her birthday. D and The Bean have already put their names down for bunnies of their own. I'm sooooo pleased with how it came out, I'm willing to do more (that's rare for me, usually I'm a one-time girl).

Tyvek embroidery…

Or maybe it's called string art even if it's lacking nails and is done with a needle? I've punched all the holes in the Tyvek, and gotten the leaves/stems done, so I'll work on the flowers tomorrow… I also need to research how to iron/smooth Tyvek. There are major creases in it from mailing….Gotta love […]

Softies Day!

I finished the knitting part of the bunny for C's Grandma's birthday, now I need to do the embroidery bits and make some accessories for it… And trim yarn, obvi. The Bean and I also whipped out a doll, which is for a friends second birthday tomorrow. My daughter MAY be trying to steal this […]


I ordered some yarn last week, to make a birthday present for C’s grandma, who loves bunnies, and it came in the most brilliant bag ever: package envelope front LOOK! a free pattern! isn’t that neat! I have no intention of either knitting or crocheting that scarf, but I think it’s a pretty cool shipping […]

My cool new book!

First of all, I want to apologize for my pity party last week. I get so excited, and then I feel pressured to DO everything I want to do. but I need to remind myself that I’m not competing for anything, or meeting externally imposed deadlines, or even earning moola, it’s just for FUN. right? SO, since […]

Two new quilts started….

Ok, I got the top pieces for the pickle dish and the dresden started… one block per… I’m trying to figure out how I want to arange the pieces here for the pickle dish… the pic above has a purply print with yellow in the middle, and a brown print with yellow on the outside… […]

insane = me.

I’m crazy, admittedly. current QUILT projects (because including my in-progress clothing/designing/knitting/crocheting/embroidering/crafting projects would take all night) 1) a pickledish quilt (using the instructions/templates from HERE, but doing it more graphically like the gypsy kisses HERE, but with 30s fabrics and solids, because I love them) 2) a dresden QAL, because I like QALs, and because […]

Fabric necklace, stolen.

I managed to get ONE picture of this necklace. I followed the tutorial HERE. it’s not very ME. I’m not into statement jewelry, or accessories, really, which is lucky, because after I took the ONE picture, this happened: it became a pageant banner… and a necklace and, um… stirrups?

Happy Spring!

I used my Silhouette to quickly cut out some "springy" shapes from cardstock. I need to collect more pastel paper, as this purply blue and pale blue are the only shades even remotely pastel colored… Or just wait for summer…