A new yellow bird puppet
My son starts preschool next month, and in the course of conversing with his soon-to-be-teacher at one of the summer playdates, it came out that the classroom puppet needs replacing… the 1st year students are called yellow birds (the 2nd years are called red birds, and this naming of classrooms seems to go back to […]
Wedding Coasters
One of my besties from high school is getting married on Saturday…. We haven’t been awesome about hanging out regularly, even though we live in roughly the same city… Anyway, I didn’t have the time/design input to make her a big gift, so I’m doing the unusual (for me) buying of gifts… (I’d forgotten about […]
Just started knitting some socks for xmas pressies… Size 1 needles, yikes! So tiny! We're at the Page Museum today (the La Brea Tar Pits), with my FIL, so I'm making him do kidlet duty while I sit in the shade, knitting and listening to a street musician. Other than the strong smell of tar, […]
My knitting holder.
Killian is "helping" me knit tonight. Purring is always helpful… I also have a purring black headrest. Thanks Kieran!
Why they call it frogging…
… When you unravel a knit, you are frogging it. (I miss having access to the OED, I’d love to know the origin of the phrase)…I’ve made good progress on these fair isle BUTTerfly pants, but I’m going to start unravelling/frogging now. I put in a whole extra inch of blank space below the waist […]
Look what I found at the library.
I'm a big spender. These 2 gems cost a whole dollar and a quarter.
My First Fair Isle
C liked the idea of just one big butterfly (BUTTerfly?)… and used his photoshop skills to lay a light image over some graph paper made to the gauge of my knitting…so above is the chart of my big butterfly. And here’s what I’ve got so far: (BACK: that’s the center decorative heart and the tops […]
Plotting and planning….
looking at colors… drawing out charts of orderly butterflies… …and scattered butterflies… and musing about colors (and comfort), some more…. (with “help” from Killy, who knocks off colors he dislikes)
More pants for the bean.
She’s a puffy clouds and bright sun kind of girl. Here’s the front of her new pants… And a close up of the back…. (that’s Kieran’s paw, not a mistake in my knitting) here’s the whole back. I used Cascade 220 wool for all but the yellow, which is cascade 220 baby alpaca. It’s SOOOO […]
Look what Christopher won!!!
C is ridiculously talented at making things. His documentary "Bloody Thursday" won an Emmy tonight. Best ever.