Peacock time!
Ok, so here’s my thought process/a sorta-how to for my blocks for the Bee Lovely bee. I made the above block for a bird theme bee, and it TOTALLY inspired me!here’s my current idea….I made this as a tester, and I LOVE IT!here’s the back!I used the 6-minute circle technique (Thanks to Latifah for teaching […]
It’s DONE! (and I really wanna keep it!)
I'm officially addicted to the bachelor pad now. I did all the quilting on this wedding quilt by hand today, "utility stitching" the navy corduroy diagonals with navy perle cotton thread, and i tied the other points with green perle. I also embroidered initials and the wedding date onto one of the strings. I'm so […]
The top is done!
Isn't it so preeeeeeettttyyyy?!?!?
String blocks are done!
64 8"x8" blocks, all pieced up! Now I need to rip off the newspaper backing and lay them out to make sure I like their placement (tomorrow, day), sew the top (tomorrow night), and then quilt it (Sunday night) and bind it (Monday night), so I can maybe show it off at the guild meeting […]
I had a very miffed kitty cat who was completely unwilling to move or help in any way, but she didn't mind when I put pieces on top of her, so… fine, be that way, Tisa!Despite all my counting, I somehow wound up with the wrong # of blocks. I wanted 66…. 64 for an […]
another Bee block!
This was a block for Julie, in the Bee Lovely (oops!) bee….she used the pattern from here, so we all paper pieced this AWESOME block.I totally miscut one of the corner pieces, so used a scrap from C’s Nicey Jane birthday shirt to make it up.I’m sending it off with my mom, so she can […]
Butterfly pants! (finally)
so the saga of the butterfly pants is finally over!here’s the front: I did the striping on the legs randomly, pretending I was improve piecing a quilt, and I purposely made the cuffs each different colors…I really like how they turned out.and here’s the AWESOME (if I do say so myself!) BUTTerfly: OH, would you […]
The bean is very excited by peacocks; when she spies one, she SHOUTS “PEEEEACOCK!” at the top of her lungs. Therefore, when I think of these birds, they’re not just peacocks, they’re PEEEACOCKS!The asignment for August for the 1st Wednesday Block Swap was “birds.” any method, any type.I thought and thought and though, and tried […]
Fresh baked bread!
And I finally finished sewing these kitchen towels!
Birthday gift: snack bags!
This weekend we’ll be at a birthday party for two little boys who are the same age as D… we haven’t done too many playdates with them, so I’m not sure of their personal wishlists… I decided to make them some of D’s current favorite mama-made item: SNACK BAGS! But snack bags look so little… […]