Almost all of the quilts I made for RK…
OK, prep yourself for a lengthy post… I’m gonna show you SOME of what I’ve been up to for the past 2 months: way back in september I pieced this first one for Robert Kaufman…. The yellow sashing here is Kona Dimensions, it’s a silk cotton blend jacquard, and it’s SO AMAZING. Soft like voile but […]
I’m almost back.
All my Robert Kaufman projects are done, as of this morning at 3am. Now I need to turn this 2″ high stack of fabric leftovers into a million (maybe 50? I lost count while cutting) crayon rolls to give as favors for The Bean’s birthday party favors. Back soon.
Buried in fabric
Today the kids and I came home from our weekly adventure around the Botanic Gardens to find THIS on the front porch: Yup, another load o’ fabric from my favorite fabric company. (LOAD being the operative word. I had to make 3 trips!). Here’s the side view: It’s not all for quilting; some will become […]
I’m recovering from my all-nighter last night (3 hours counts as zero hours, according to my friend Jenny), but last night and today were TOTALLY worth it.Thus afternoon was the monthly weekend sew for my guild, which is always a good time. I got all the blocks cut and pieced for the Drunkards Path baby […]
Drunk Practice
I just made a bunch of fabric squares and some slipcovers for Robert Kaufman, and (BEST perk ever) I got to keep all the scraps… I’m also supposed to make a baby-sized Drunkards Path quilt top this weekend, and I decided I needed to practice. Luckily, now I have lots of scraps of cute fabric… […]
Quilt in progress
I finished the Asian print quilt last night, but I have these pics of the process to share. The quilt pattern is Seville by CluckCluckSew, and it is GORGEOUS.160 little (2″) HSTs, fitted into larger blocks, totally worth it. My cathedral windows quilt is a little bit challenging as a design wall, but look how […]
Fabric Giveaway (closed)
see these pretty fabrics? I have a LOT of leftover from the quilt top I’m piecing for RKF right now. the selvedges are going to my friend Jules. But that leaves a LOT of fabric. So. Would you like some? Leave a comment (and make sure either your profile is linked to your email, or […]
cheater pillowcase tutorial
3 seams (plus a hem). 1 cut (more like a trim). 5 minutes. endless possibilities. Supplies: 1/2 yard fun cotton fabric 1/4 yard contrasting cotton fabric First things first: trim off the selvedge from the 1/2 yard print, and send it to my friend Jules. Fold the fabric inside out (so the right […]
Raincoats, finished
More sewing for Robert Kaufman (the company, not the dude) I still haven’t been able to choose a favorite. scottie dogs with coordinating argyle? (size 6) or maybe fun Dr Seuss inspired dots? inside and out? (size 3T) (this fabric looks most like something RTW to me, but I don’t know if that’s good […]
mini-cathedral windows
here’s the finished product, after playing last weekend… I gave up on the hand stitching, and used my machine… the whole thing measures almost 5″ square. I love the backsides of C-Ws I think I might need to make an Orange-peel quilt sometime soon… I love the contrast stitching on the back… I still […]