June July knits…

fronts backs red linen overalls using the pattern from Purl, 3 pairs of watermelon soakers (longies in size 18-24 months, shorties in 18-24 and 6-12)I’m working on a pair of blue and white longies now, with clouds and the sunshine on the bum.I still have enough of all three colors to make one more small […]

…and for the Bean…

She was equally DESPARATE for the sample fruit at the LBIQF, so, since I bought the moose pattern for D, I had to be fair, and buy the fruit pattern for the bean. It's Fresh Picked pincushions by Heather Bailey. 20 minutes of machine sewing, 2.5 hours of hand sewing. Of course, I was watching […]

A child’s view of the LBIQF

D took my phone and took pictures of his favorite quilts/my knee/other people taking pictures of their favorite quilts. I got it back by asking to take a picture of him. The Bean was OBSESSED with the peacock quilt.

Darren needed a moose.

He insisted that he desperately needed me to buy the pattern (seen at the quilt festival, and earned through good behavior) and make him a moose. TONIGHT. BEFORE BED. So here he is, happy with his moose. (pattern by Carol's Zoo, fabric is horribly shreddy cotton velvet remnant that I had in my stash. D […]

20 minute eyeglass case

I used the idea from making this bag to whip up an eyeglass case for my gram… (the top isn’t uneven, it’s just at an angle, I swear) sooo happy! I got another old measuring tape from my gram, hence the thank you gift…

Coolest bag ever!

I went to the Long Beach International Quilt Festival last night, for preview night, and came home with some awesome goodies. (I’ll show them in a different post) the COOLEST thing I found, though, was this pattern. I bought the pattern and the kit, in colors for my MIL (xmas is only 5 months away!)… […]

Watermelon shorties, take 3…

K, so the first longies were in size 18-24, and they were too big, but with a drawstring waist, and a big cloth diaper, they'll stay up. Then I made a pair of 12-18 sized shorties, equally too big. So here's pair #3, sized 6-12 month, over a cloth diaper, and they fit my 22month […]

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday 2010 from Christopher Burke on Vimeo. I think I might have the coolest and most wonderful husband EVER! (PLUS, my 3 little pigs dress got posted over at MADE, (near the bottom of the post), so I’m extra psyched)


Prepare yourself for CUTENESS! aren’t they RIDICULOUSLY awesome?!?!?!?I’m sooooooo stoked that they came out just as I imagined them!they’re a little big/long, but, as they’re wool, I made them big so they’d fit in the winter… I added the heart to the front, like Raggedy Ann had… (since the pattern I used as a starting […]