these boots were made for walkin’!

Tada! here’s the finished dress! the embroidery spruces up the plain pleated top, and the pleated front makes the skirt much more fun! we found these awesome boots in our garage, not sure who handed them down to us…. they’re still too big, but she loves them! I’m psyched to make her a little ruffled-collar, […]


My kids may have lots of awesome, cute, tailor-made (or mama-made) clothes, but during record-breaking heat, they prefer nudity, so I have no adorable modeling photos tonight. I’m pattern-testing right now. I really want to make the Bean some Shirley Temple-esque dresses… modernized for easier construction, but with that really-expensive-vintage look… First up, to check […]

Busy Bee Dress

I’m still wrapping things up from KCWC, here’s a dress I meant to sew on Saturday, but then I went to my guild Sew instead…. the top is the Bubble Dress by Oliver + S, (sized 18-24m), and the bottom is just a simple gathered rectangle, because I don’t actually like bubble skirts… the top […]

More pants!

D wanted LOTS of pockets, so I made up some butt pockets… some side pockets…… and some SHARKS inside!

See all my pants?

in order, from left to right: B leggings, D pants, B leggings, D pants, D pants, B jeans, D pants here’s the secret in the burgandy pants (flames!) and BUGS in the blue pants!

another cute dress…

The Bean didn’t want to take this one off, but we managed to put the new jeans on too… sooo cute! here’s the dress I made thursday (yesterday was hand finishing day), made from a vintage Simplicity pattern yeah, Babydoll (that’s her name, seriously) got a matching dress… (a la the ones I made before, […]

Bean pants!

Finally finished the Yale knit pants, using Blackberry Ridge worsted wool…. I think I'm going to use duplicate stitch to embroider YALE down the left leg's outseam….I also just whipped up a pair of jeans for her out of an old pair of my jeans (from express, pre-babies), with a fold-over ribbed waistband. 20 minutes, […]

KCWC tally so far…

the peacock dress the peahen dress the doll’s peahen dress the pillowcase dress 2 (of 4) pairs of pants for D (dark green and navy, which I still need to photograph, but he’s sleeping in them) plus I’m working on knitting the Bean a sweater (using this pattern, but I’m taking a risk, as I’ve […]

KCWC-day 4 (or 5, as I’m including weekends in my tally!)

Ok, so I didn’t get anything done this morning, as it was my first day as a working parent at D’s co-op preschool. AMAZING!and then, when D was in a snit this afternoon, the Bean and I sewed this up, (I’m pretty proud of it, and of the effort/pleasure ratio)…I totally have my sewing mojo […]

Babydoll needs pockets too!

The Bean just convinced me that Babydoll needed a peacock dress too. Most importantly, she needed POCKETS!drafted the pattern and sewed it up in less than 20 minutes! Granted it's not awesome craftsmanship, but my 22-month-old is quite pleased. Especially with the pockets.