My kids may have lots of awesome, cute, tailor-made (or mama-made) clothes, but during record-breaking heat, they prefer nudity, so I have no adorable modeling photos tonight.

I’m pattern-testing right now. I really want to make the Bean some Shirley Temple-esque dresses… modernized for easier construction, but with that really-expensive-vintage look…

First up, to check my sloper, is a simple pleated-front jumper.
I found some brown wool (a remnant from m&l, maybe? I think I bought it to make D pants, but there isn’t enough), and it’s super soft. But plain. And DARK brown! (like a Hershey bar)
So I spent my evening under very warm wool, trying to cool off, embroidering this design on the front bodice.
I really like it, even if it didn’t come out perfectly symmetrical. I need to figure out a better way to transfer to dark fabric…