I’m almost back.

All my Robert Kaufman projects are done, as of this morning at 3am. Now I need to turn this 2″ high stack of fabric leftovers into a million (maybe 50? I lost count while cutting) crayon rolls to give as favors for The Bean’s birthday party favors. Back soon.

Buried in fabric

Today the kids and I came home from our weekly adventure around the Botanic Gardens to find THIS on the front porch: Yup, another load o’ fabric from my favorite fabric company. (LOAD being the operative word. I had to make 3 trips!). Here’s the side view: It’s not all for quilting; some will become […]

Drunk Practice

I just made a bunch of fabric squares and some slipcovers for Robert Kaufman, and (BEST perk ever) I got to keep all the scraps… I’m also supposed to make a baby-sized Drunkards Path quilt top this weekend, and I decided I needed to practice. Luckily, now I have lots of scraps of cute fabric… […]

Fabric Giveaway (closed)

see these pretty fabrics? I have a LOT of leftover from the quilt top I’m piecing for RKF right now. the selvedges are going to my friend Jules. But that leaves a LOT of fabric. So. Would you like some? Leave a comment (and make sure either your profile is linked to your email, or […]


ok, I’m uploading pics for the giveaway, I promise, but in the meantime, lookit what the Bean and I made her today: (the dress, not the wings) She wants to be Tinkerbell to go with D’s Peter Pan, but she didn’t have a “tinkerbell dress.”  Now, I’m NOT anti-Disney, I LOVE Disney, but I think […]

cheater pillowcase tutorial

3 seams (plus a hem). 1 cut (more like a trim). 5 minutes. endless possibilities.   Supplies: 1/2 yard fun cotton fabric 1/4 yard contrasting cotton fabric   First things first: trim off the selvedge from the 1/2 yard print, and send it to my friend Jules. Fold the fabric inside out (so the right […]

LAMQG scrap swap

We did a scrap swap again this year. I am lucky enough to have Latifah make me a sewing machine cover (it’s not done yet, but I got a peek tonight, and I cannot WAIT to see it in my bedroom!)My swap partner asked for placemats for her dogs, so here they are placemat 1,  front and […]


I got some embroidery done this morning, while waiting for my kiddos to come home from school… I love the look of lazy daisies and French knots. These are teeny, like, smaller than a dime: I have been working on my bag pattern, but just got another quilt top dropped off, and I’m SO excited. […]

a little quilt marking tip (and more finished projects)

So, you know when you have to draw diagonal lines on squares? Sometimes I don’t have a fancy water-soluble pen handy, and chalk rubs off if you’re doing hundreds of squares at a time (ask me how I know)… but if you try to mark with a sharp pencil, especially a regular 2B pencil, sometimes […]

New bag (and a name request)

I’m a total dork. One late night last week, I changed my start-up screen on my sewing machine so it greets me now. I laugh everytime I see it. Here’s another quilt top for market, the Lorax in the Bright colorway… D really wants me to make him the one in the Earth colorway. Not […]