There’s a reason I sew…

I can’t draw! I need ocean/fish stamps for D’s Sunday school tomorrow (all about the ocean), so I cut up some sticky craft foam and made stamp holders from strips of cardboard. Hopefully it will work!

Yesterday was productive:

Two shirts for D (more onesie-collars. I can get 1short sleeve and 1 long sleeve out of 1 yd jersey, so at $2.69/yd, these are awesomely cheap shirts. This green print has small racecars all over. D found it himself, and loves it)I also took an old stretched out waistband off one of my gram’s […]


Ok, so the other day, (gosh, was that just yesterday? yikes!) I showed you this sneak peak… Here’s the finished product! It’s a zip-up hoodie for D. He doesn’t fit anything store bought right now, so why buy and alter when I can just make myself (out of superior materials, tailored to my boy!) He […]

various bits…

My husband is very Irish, so I decided to put a little bit of effort into decorating for St Pat’s day. Tada! yup, I am NOT a decorator. But I am proud of that wreath! it’s made out of coffee filters, I just glued them onto a circle cut out of a paper bag, and […]

adrenaline/caffeine/cold medicine

I’m sick. I have a really painful sore throat, so talking is rough right now. but once the kiddos were in bed, I had no need for talking! I drew this cement mixer… and then cut lots of little bits, and did a LOT of blanket-stitch, and some thread painting, and got this: I’ll get […]

Oscar’s birthday present

My friend Catrine is Dutch, (like, actually born and raised in Holland). Her little boy is celebrating his 1st birthday this weekend, so here’s what I’ve made for him: This onesie is still drying, but I’ve used freezer paper to stencil the Dutch flag (I do know how to spell the word white, but the […]

Quilting catch-up!

Tonight, with help from a large Coke/Root Beer (mixed together 70/30, it tastes a lot like Vanilla Coke!), I made this weeks block for Modify Tradition (the block is called Shoo Fly)… Again, I’m only using scraps, so the red is from the bolt from the thrift store, the white was left over from… uh, […]

Utility sewing

The slupcover on the sofa on our back patio was ripped to shreds on the seat, so I grabbed a remnant canvas piece that sorta matched, pinned, and zigzagged it on. It’s not my best sewing, but the dogs are always on this sofa, and they don’t care about puckers!

What I accomplished last night…

the kids went out early, I didn’t… I was so excited to get the fabric for the 1st Wednesday Block Swap, I got right to work… I made a pinwheel star for Flic (she asked for stars, 12″ square, in black and red) I used the Made Tutorial as inspiration for a shirt for D… […]