WIP Wednesdays

I’m sure lots of people have their own versions of WIP Wednesdays, but I discovered the concept here… so, here’s my (semi-realistic) list for today: sew this quilt top together. Here are 4 of 11 strips, pinned together. this should take less than an hour to sew up, right? then I need to sew the […]

Good morning!

We've all got colds again. Here it is, 1/2 way through October, 75 degrees outside everyday, but somehow D and I are on our second cold each already!I'm working on this jellybean dress for the Bean's 1st bday party. It's the Oliver+S playdate dress. While I stamped all the fabric, D painted my scraps, and […]


I love all my other pets too!!!2 pups (Harper is blond, Guinness is dark), 3 other kitties (Kieran, Tisa, and Murphy), and 3 hens (Alice, Betty, and Carrie).It's dark outside, so the other kitts are hunting outside, and it's too dark to snap shots of the hens, so here are my puppies, to excited to […]

My helper

I've been switching back and forth between piecing a quilt, sewing for Halloween, sewing for the birthday party, and knitting. Hence the mess.But my kitten keeps me company. I love love love this fluffy ball of orange fur.

how to make cute cloth booties!

Both my 3 y/o son and my 1y/o daughter needed warm slippers for around the house… so rather than drive 45 minutes each way to spend $40+/each on a pair of Robeez booties (although I do LOVE them, and have several pairs for them, all in the wrong sizes for right now), I made some. […]

Meringue ghosts

so I saw these… (scroll down to the end of the post) and was planning on making them, but then, while searching for a recipe, I found these, and I let D decide which he wanted to make… Voila D put in all the chocolate chips… aren’t they so cute!?!?!?!

D’s owl shirt appliqué

D needs more long sleeved shirts to get him through “winter” here in So Cal. I’m trying to make, not buy, so I pulled out my bin-o-knits, and found some jersey heavy enough to withstand all the grubby-little-boy activities he so loves. One of the bits I found was a shade of pumpkin-y, orangy-brown, perfect […]

Knit sewing trick

I checked out a semi-cool place near me called Knit Sewing Club. I guess they're huge in Japan (like over 60 locations there). Here in Torrance, we have 2 (1 Japanese only, one English). The idea is cool, the techniques are cool, the designs are attrocious (all drained with the "mature woman" IMO. Way to […]