Dress testing
Last week we were at Disneyland, and TheBean asked for one of the (overly-priced, nasty-polyester) dresses in the BibbityBobbityBoutique. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Disneyland. But… ICK. She’s never seen any of the princess movies (her choice! Darren has, and I’m fine with them)… But the dresses.. I see these kids at D-lamd, tottering […]
Funbot Dress!
I had a little bit of Funbot fabric left over after making all the stuffed robots, so I decided my Bean needed a dress. She LOVES robots. she couldn’t hold still, she was so excited. I used my HennyPenny dress pattern, modified a little bit to have a back opening and a […]
bags and greens.
Another 2ball knitting bag (this one for my friend Liberty) A fold-over purse, (is it a clutch if it has a handle? Mostly copied from my friend Natalie’s awesome bag) is my new favorite make. A shirt for C. Fabric is a yummy flannel from DryGoodsDesign, pattern is a Vogue pattern. Made it with short […]
Just playing with pretty colors of Kona…
Purple Pants
My post-partum body needs clothes, so I made these last week. Fabric is Vera stretch sateen (by RK, of course) in Amethyst. LOVE them. I’ve got some green (Aloe) ready to cut next.
Another nursing-dress muslin
I had the sick 6 y/o take these pics, so my apologies for the quality (but yay him for being my photographer!) I made this dress up last night, based sorta on the schoolhouse tunic I wore yesterday. it’s another wearable muslin (this fabric is by Darlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman, and is a 1930’s floral ditsy […]
Schoolhouse tunic

I need more nursing-friendly clothing. I emailed Meg at Sew Liberated, and she was super helpful about how to use her patterns for nursing. So I bought the Schoolhouse Tunic, and last night I made a muslin (a wearable muslin, oxymoronical as it may be). I think I need to take it in in a […]
Valentine dress for the Bean

working the kinks out of another dress idea… this is the second attempt. the first went prefectly, but I had no pattern, and didn’t write anything down… recreating is always harder than just winging it… luckily, she’s cute no matter what. fabric is RK pomegranate and some soon-to be released hearts (scraps from when I […]
Happy Birthday to my sister…
I was asked to make a Keyka Lou zip clutch from some new fabrics by RK, but wasn’t sure about how they would appear on the finished bag, so I decided to test the pattern… I used some scraps, which happened to match this bag… the finished bag was super cute, the pattern was awesome, […]
Crockett pants
Im preparation for the new arrival…. a pair of wool longies (hopefully a long size 3-6m)… just because, I knitted the Fibonacci sequence in on one leg…. (starting on the left, with the orange: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and then the cuff…) I also drafted out a pair of 3-6m pants, with extra […]