the PE Play Dress pattern!

Ok, so a month ago, the lovely peeps at Robert Kaufman asked if I could make the Speedy Zip Dress in a knit for their Spring Quilt Market booth. I said yes (duh), but after lots and lots of tests, had to just write a whole different pattern for the knit fabric. So it looks […]
PAINT! giveaway {giveaway now closed} says #20 is the winner thanks for participating! My friend Carrie is a beautiful person, and I’m lucky enough to be part of her bloghop, so here’s a COMPLETELY BIASED WITH LOVE review of her new fabric line for Windham, PAINT! isn’t it pretty!!! I knew immediately that the rich colors and artistic theme […]
BoPeep Dress and Tunic Pattern Giveaway!
As mentioned in this post about PAINT! I’ve totally redesigned my BoPeep pattern, and I’m in LOVE. it’s super clean and reversible, and, best of all, my daughter LOVES it. She has about 8 now, that she wears pretty much constantly. I posted some of my tests on Instagram, (I’m @ramonarose over there), and some […]
Beatbox cuteness
I had quite a bit of this adorable fabric left after a project for RK, so I used it to test a dress pattern. I’m in love with this dress: and I used to own it in a size 2, but it never worked for the bean. the size was all wonky, and it was […]
Birthday/camp sewing
This boy turned 7 this week. he requested a full Luke Skywalker/Jedi costume. Pants (pegged so they bunch up), Tunic (over a white t-shirt, and with the flappy vest-y bits sewn on to a simple shirt), and, of course, the jedi robe. he also “needed” (I.e. has been hinting since Xmas that he would really […]
Snow White (aka: My Crowning Achievement as a Mother)
I dunno if I’ll ever be able to top this. I’m bouncing off the walls with self-pride and anticipation of The Bean’s excitement in the morning. Look at the perfect pointy waist bit!!! I put a big red ribbon bow in the back, because…. why not? it’s a little long, at her […]
Another Robot Dress
I’m working on getting another dress pattern up and running, and so I have been testing my pattern frantically. One of The Bean’s friends recently had a birthday, and since they’re the same size, I decided to make a dress for her. Since they’re besties, I thought they might like to have similar […]
Dress testing
Last week we were at Disneyland, and TheBean asked for one of the (overly-priced, nasty-polyester) dresses in the BibbityBobbityBoutique. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Disneyland. But… ICK. She’s never seen any of the princess movies (her choice! Darren has, and I’m fine with them)… But the dresses.. I see these kids at D-lamd, tottering […]
Funbot Dress!
I had a little bit of Funbot fabric left over after making all the stuffed robots, so I decided my Bean needed a dress. She LOVES robots. she couldn’t hold still, she was so excited. I used my HennyPenny dress pattern, modified a little bit to have a back opening and a […]
*Giveaway closed, Random Number Generator chose 3 winners, (53, 3, 39)* Thanks for participating! Do you know Carrie? I met her a few years ago at the Long Beach Quilt Show, while walking around, shopping, with my friends, Jules and Tess. Carrie is AWESOME (and so is her mother). We were drawn into the SUCH Designs […]