My new skirt!

The wraparound Yard-Sale Skirt.Adapted from Weekend Sewing.I'm gonna seriously modify the next one, but it's a good jumping off point.

Tricycle seat cover!

D got gifted a wonderful Radio Flier Trike from our neighbors down the block. He LOVES it. he rides all over the place, as much and as fast as he can (he usually pretends to be a train of some sort, doing really useful work). He rides so much, in fact, that his butt is […]

A tricycle seat cushion

I'm gonna post a tutorial on my craft blog in a little while… He's pretty happy with it, but he's making a face at me cause he doesn't want to stop and pose, he just wants to ride!

Someone just moved into my sewing room…

The little floor space I had (the part not covered by fabric and projects in various unfinished states) has just been taken over by a squatter. D is supposed to be in bed right now, but between his sickness and the heat, and his exceptionally adorable behavior…. Well, the results are obvious. He's entranced by […]

Booo. Hiss. Booo.

I didn't buy enough of the chickens to make that skirt! So I'm gonna make it with this. It's been so hot lately, an I have 1 skirt, and NO shorts. I'm living in jeans or yoga pants since I had #2. So I NEED a skirt!!!!

Love at first sight!

Chickens!!! And eggs!!!I don't generally have a thing for poultry (I mean, I enjoy eating them), but I fell in LOVE with this print today at my sewing machine store.It's destined to be a cute wraparound skirt (this one from weekend sewing). And it will meet it's destiny TONIGHT. Jumping to the head of the […]

Bright orange sherbet!

I’m trying to come up with a pattern that i like for baby playsuits. i need a lapped collar (check) petite chest area (check) large diaper area for cloth diapers (check) elasticized ankles so pants stay on instead of dragging along behind (is this only a problem with my children? regular playsuits allow her to […]

Father’s Day

this was the other present, made at 10pm the night before, just because. I had the extra shirts on hand, although, not matching ones, unfortunately. I couldn’t find a plain one for the bean, so it was a father son gift.It took more time for me to figure out the knot shape than to do […]

Father’s Day

I made C 2 father’s day gifts this year (one for each kid, I guess)#1 was this coffee cup sleeve and instead of using courderoy, I found this uphosltry remnant that looks a LOT like cardboard.I also bought C this porcelain coffee cup, so it was a coffee themed father’s day. the only picture I […]

Justin’s Wedding Quilt, again

The invitation (SO beautiful! I love the sparkly paper and the 6 little stones) And here’s the quilt! (I found sparkly buttons to recreate the gems) (click here for other pics, I posted them about a month ago)