ballet dress for a little girl

we have a birthday party today, for a 3yo girl… like most, she likes pink and ballet, so when I saw this ballet shoe fabric at my Bernina dealer, I snapped up a yard, and made this last night…I don’t have a pattern, but I used the peasant top tutorial from indietutes as a jumping […]

The 2minute tank top

Just cut and serge sides/top. No binding/hem/etc, but so fast and functional! I want to make another one of the Presserfoot anthro dresses, but didn't want to sacrifice a workin tank to, so here's what i've got!

Mending Monday

a coat pocket for C… (which, btw, has a LOVELY hand-sewn zipper, done by me when we were just barely dating at Yale… I tried to use the holes already IN the jacket to put in a new zipper, as the old one was broken. I’m super proud of how well it’s lasted!) and a […]

halfway there…

I wanted to write a tute tonight on how to make the little pinafore/jumper/dress I made for the Bean a few days ago… so I got out the camera, and started working, taking pics along the way… see? here’re my cut pieces… (to fit a tall/skinny 18month old) I even took pictures of some of […]

1/2 a yard+ scraps=cuteness

I bought 1/2 a yard of this amazingly cute/soft double gauze at Momen a few weeks ago… it’s pinker than this in real life, but is apples with leaves and caterpillars… LOVE it! I knew I wanted to do something for the Bean, as she’s really really loving pink and dresses/skirts, but it’s not overly […]

quilt blocks…

Modify Tradition’s Martha Washington StarMT Love in the Mist (I struggled with this one, mostly because I didn’t have enough of the red bits, and had to fake the block with small piecesand a Map of the States block for Bee Lovely

Progress report

It’s only the 18th week of the year, but I have 21 blocks done! aren’t they soooooo pretty?I love playing with them and stacking them…I’ve got about 10 more that just need the white bit added…

VOTE for me!

click here to visit Made-By-Rae, and vote, on the right sidebar, for my ruffle lace tunic. (scroll down a little) PLEASE?!?!?!


vote for me tomorrow (Tuesday) by visiting Rae’s site and voting on the right sidebar for the ruffle lace tunic, by ME! here’s what the shirt looks like: