Busy Busy Busy!

Had to go to Momen+ today to get supplies for a commisioned project, and stocked up on some of Heather Ross's new line Far Far Away II. LOVE IT. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Last minute gifts for the dude.

I’m waiting on little bits and pieces to be shipped before I can finish his bday present, so I just painted this blue jay (his self-proclaimed favorite bird) on a black t-shirt. Part stencil (I designed it using this tutorial from a photograph of a jay found on google images), part freehand painting. I’m super-psyched […]

LAMQG miniquilt

My guild had a mini-quilt blind-swap last night, so here’s the one I made… sneaky of me, but I used leftover squares from another quilt to whip this one up in one day… I forgot to measure it, but I’d guess it was about 16″x20″… I decided to try “utility quilting” with perle cotton ala […]

MIL stationary set

I have this idea in my head for making the perfect little notepad holder/wallet-y thing for myself… so I bought some patterns that have interesting/helpful elements, and set to work… Of course, I didn’t want to use up the fabric that I bought just for me, so I used fabric my MIL would like, and […]

a busy bee

that’s me! I’ve been a MANIAC over the past 4-5 days… here’s the list so far: Letter-sized padfolio (for MIL’s birthday) stationary-sized notebook (ditto) SECRET SURPRISE for C’s birthday a Mini-quilt for a swap at the LAMQG meeting tomorrow a baby blanket for an upcoming baby shower a secret surprise birthday present for my mom […]


It's the 22 week of the year, and I have 33 crochet blocks done! Yay! Obvi, I'm gonna try to stay ahead of things, and maybe it'll only take two years instead of 3 to make my dream blanket.I'm working on a pair of overalls for the bean/any possible future babies/grandchildren. I'm using the tute […]

gosh, it’s been a while!

I’ve been on my laptop lately instead of on my sewing machine… I’m working on a top-secret birthday present for my sweetie… here’s a little sneak peek: I finally got it stitched out tonight (49 minutes of machine embroidery! probably the longest design I’ve ever done) while I waited for that to happen (cause, of […]

my little poppy

here’re some slightly better/cuter pictures of the frock I made the Bean a few weeks ago (gosh, time sure flies!) the orange totally matched the poppies we have in the front yard.I LOVE how frothy the ruffled sleeve is…. this one was longer than the first, clearly she’ll need to grow into it he’s orange […]

May Block

here’s my block for May for the 1st Wednesday Block Swap… wonky drunkards path…someday I’ll make my own, because i REALLY love this pattern.

a shirt for my daddy

who loves western shirts… he chose the fabric, I did the sewing… the kids posed with him because they are cute and then D wanted to take pictures, so I had to be in the pics too…