that’s me!

I’ve been a MANIAC over the past 4-5 days…
here’s the list so far:
Letter-sized padfolio (for MIL’s birthday)
stationary-sized notebook (ditto)
SECRET SURPRISE for C’s birthday
a Mini-quilt for a swap at the LAMQG meeting tomorrow
a baby blanket for an upcoming baby shower
a secret surprise birthday present for my mom
another secret surprise birthday present for my mom
a large bag for me (LAMINATE! ECHINO! fun!!!)
a crayon folder (using Jennifer Casa’s pattern)
another crayon folder, this time of my own design
plus, you know, life with small children and pets and a wonderful husband.
(who took pictures of all of these things so I can post them soon. but it’s almost 2am, so I think I’ll load them on the computer tomorrow)(or at least the ones that have already been gifted/aren’t for people who read this (like my 3yo)…)