more stirings!

I love string quilts. they’re sooooo sooooo pretty!I think they’re extra special because you make them from scraps (usually…. I bought the fabrics for the wedding quilt I made last summer), and to me, that’s the best part of a quilt, having bits and pieces of memories all stitched together…anyway, one of my Bees asked […]

finished embroidery

my husband’s grandmother loves bunnies, and his grandfather loves DC-2 airplanes (he was a pilot, in the air force, and then a commercial pilot, for his whole career, even flying Air Force 2!) so I made my super talented hubs draw this picture of a bunny flying a plane… and then I embroidered it on […]

christmasy goodness…

most of what I’m working on can’t be shown till after a certain upcoming holiday…but here’s what I’ve made to decorate my own house this year…a tree skirt (the Bean really liked this sparkly pinecone fabric, and I couldn’t think of what else to do with it… we needed a treeskirt anyway… no. we didn’t. […]

Bee block catch-up!

Flying Geese: this one is totally my favorite, because a) I’m a total dork, and came up with this mathmatically based block; do you know what it is?); and b) there wasnt’ enough fabric, but I totally made it work….a rectangle in a rectangle with Flee Market Fancy (my first time working with it, LOVE […]

a little gnomy-gnome….

I stitched up this gnome for D a while ago, but he asked me for a blanket and pillow for his little gnomy.LUCKILY, I won a small charm pack from the fabric designer right around the same time, so I sewed up all the little squares (perfect 25 of them), backed them with D’s favorite […]

Driftwood collecting…

I want to make C a driftwood wreath for Xmas, so I coerced my dad to accompany us to the beach this afternoon. D was a great helper, finding lots of driftwood bits for me, while the Bean and grandpa explored the tide pools. I haven been posting much lately, as I'm busy being one […]

Baby shower!

I made these gifts a long time ago, but haven't posted because I hadn't seen the mommy-to-be…I made a waldorfy-cuddle doll, silk and wool, dyed by my and Darren with food coloring, so it'll be safe for a little mouth to chew/suck on… D liked the tiedye effects he achieved, and the Bean liked the […]

My First Wreath!

Made from scratch! I used both Noble and Douglas Fir (trimmings from the Xmas tree lot at Lowes) and Rosemary from my garden. Smells sooooo yummy!