Posing with D in front of the fox fabric from A Walk In The Woods, at Sew Modern. Knit up in a rush, because this boy loves his stuffed animals. Clothes to come soon.

Quilters Linen Chopsticks quilt

I finished this one late at night, so only have midnight pics. The purple and tan quilters linen from last week got turned into this quilt. Chopsticks by Jaybird Quilts. I

Laminated shopping bags

These are from the grocery bag pattern by Keyka Lou, made for Robert Kaufman. I love that multicolored raindrop flower print. And the numbers are cool too.


I’m knitting up some pants (budgie bloomers, my fave pants pattern), and noticed that they match my cat.

Weekend prep…

I’m super excited (and grateful) to get to go away for a sewing weekend with some friends (and some hopefully-soon-to-be-friends that I’ve never met)… I have lots of plans of what I’m going to work on, so to make things go more smoothly (and make sure I bring the right supplies/amounts), I’ve been pre-cutting here, […]

Luckiest girl in the world.

I opened my door this morning to find THIS on my front porch: 3 Kona roll-ups, dark, classic, and bright… and these GORGEOUS colors of Quilter’s Linen (which might be my most favorite fabric basic EVER) I have plans for the roll-ups, and am awaiting instructions for the QL. It’s gonna be a good day.

Baby boy quilt-in-progress, take 2

First, she sorted… (Well, first I sewed, THEN she sorted) Then we played. This one is much smaller, probably 45×55, so it’ll actually be for the baby. But it’s the same fabric line as D’s quilt, so they’ll coordinate. Cause clearly my house is all about coordination (not!) C just ordered me an early birthday […]

Another bag…

This puppy needs a name. I made another one to test my pattern, and I LOVE it. (BTW, if any of you love this bag as much as I do, I’d love a pattern tester!) My sister’s birthday is coming up, and that blue is her favorite color, so I think it’s headed her way, […]

Finished quilt…

D requested the black sashing with yellow (perle cotton) stitching to simulate roads…. I pieced the back with the leftover big pieces…. It’s not super noticeable, because I switched thread color A LOT, but each block is FMQ’ed differently… sort of a practice sampler for me… the different quilting is most noticeable from the back, but […]

A little boy quilt

I always have lots of scraps (sometimes lots of actual yardage) leftover after I make a quilt top for Robert Kaufman, so I decided to use some of the smaller scraps to make a quilt for the boy I am gestating right now… here’s the view looking down right now…. the Bean “helped” me whip […]