I have a “new” sewing machine, a 1931 White’s Rotary.
I asked for naming help, and my friend Tess suggested Roxie.
Perfect. As a thank you, (and, I admit, to test my pattern before I offer y’all a tutorial), I made her a little travel sewing kit thingy. (is it a kit if it’s empty? It’s more than a bag/pouch, but less than a kit. Hmm)
They’re just the right size for a small pair of scissors (my scissors measure 2.5×5″), thimble, spool, and needles in the needle flap, or for embroidery supplies, or…. the sky’s the limit.
Here’re the ones I’ve made so far… the blue one in the front was my first, and perfectly fits my littlest travel scissors, which have since been stolen by my daughter, so I no longer have a pair for this, but it holds tatting shuttles nicely too
Here’s the shot that shows them “in use.” One side has a snapping needle flap (with wool felt for holding pins and needles), and the other side has a pocket (with a snap, too) to hold directions, or to hold binding clips, or skeins of embroidery floss. The lined main compartment zips to secure scissors, marking pens, floss or spools, etc. I love love love this quirky squirrel print, so I made myself one of these too.