Pocketed pants

The Bean refuses to wear pocketless clothing. No shirts, no dresses, unless they have pockets. One is acceptable, two preferred. So this morning, while she bathed, I whipped this teal corduroy pair out. Very quick n dirty. No pattern (or hem, just a serged cuff, as she wanted them right away), but I put a […]

Papa Doll!

scraps of old knits and an old sweater plus some stuffing turned my Bean into a VERY happy Bean. she got a Papa doll!shhh, it’s sleeping. just like papa would like to be. same hair color… dark blue pants (jeans), and blue shirt… just like Papa. that’s a VERY satisfied little girl.


I’ve been playing with wool felt lately, working on ornaments for the Advent Calendar Sew Along… Then I realized I had lots of roses and barrette shapes cut out from when I first saw the tute over at Purl, but I had stopped making them as I ran out of barrettes. A quick trip to […]

A seasonal barrette…

Wool felt, variegated embroidery floss, a hair clip, and a model who's so fluffy he doesn't notice.

finally catching up!

My awesome husband took the kiddos this morning so I could catch up on my bees… here’s 2 non-wonky squares in a square 2 wonky log cabins… 2 bridgesand a mod-mosaic block…all will be mailed off on monday, and then I can start on November’s blocks!

Still sick, but I can stir!

Having a dyepot means I can cook my curtains, taking them from matchy-matchy to a pretty contrasty dark blue!

sitting and knitting

I’m sick, so sitting and knitting is all I feel up to right now… even though I have a giant stack o’ sewing to do…. luckily, The Bean LOVES getting knits… and she’s so stinkin’ cute…I just love knitting for her!How could anyone resist this face?

birthday presents!

one of D’s schoolmates turned 3 this past week, and her favorite color is purple…I decided to take the opportunity to draft some of the patterns I’ve been working on… I was reasonably pleased with them, and she lit up like a candle, she was so happy with them! I love the rose I added […]

Crocheted rock…

The Bean says it's a Rock in a Dress. I'm gonna make some prettier ones (more complex designs) for D's Beach School teachers for Xmas presents. The Bean and I gathered a few rocks from the beach school beach this morning, and I'm gonna do a red one for the Red Bird teacher, and a […]

Halloween costume hack!

Eek! Time is runnin out! No time for patterns or precision, just grab some old wrapping paper and draw! One kangaroo costume for a 2year-old coming up!