I finally (a week late, so I’ll cut myself some slack) finished this little dude…the linen looks blotchy, cause I couldn’t wait for the water to dry after I erased the pen…He’s motif #1 from the Doodle Stitch-A-Long… I also made mittens for some of D’s schoolmates… I now consider myself an expert preschool-mitten-maker. I’ve […]
here’s week 2!
…of the doodle stich along with Aimee Ray I changed the colorings of the children, just to match mine. When the Bean saw the sketch, all in blue washable ink, she told me it was a picture of her and Darren, so I decided the boy should be blonde like him, and the girl brunette […]
crabby apron
here’re some detail shots of the crabby apron I made yesterday… it’s now hidden away at the top of the closet until I need to pull it out for the auction. bright green ruffles, neck strings, and waistband, long enough to fit a 2-5 year old, and the sweetest little crab print ever!
SILK socks!
it’s a silk wool blend, actually.I’ve had to restart this sock 4 times, but I’m finally pretty happy with my design.the bottom is just knit plain, but the top has an asymetrical pattern knit into it, which I TOTALLY love.I keep having to remind myself to write down the pattern and the changes I make […]
I love Beach School….. THIS much
here’s the other item I’m making for D’s preschool fundraiser…a pinwheel quilt! I had a “batik strip set” (or something like that) that I bought over a year agofrom the Urban Craft Center, so I pulled it out, sewed pairs of strips, and then decided on this pinwheel hexagon layout it’s actually turning out bigger […]
Worlds Best Kitty.
I was knitting and reading during nap time today. Killian cuddled/napped/purred with me, and he's just so fluffy/orange/cuddly/cute, that I had no choice but to subject everyone to these photos.
Aprons #2 & 3
I also made 2 small, kid-sized aprons…a lovely little lollipop apron, with a pocket on the bib… and a cute crab apron, but it got stolen, before I could even snip threads… my little thief got a treat from the ice cream truck, and immediately dripped chocolate all over it’s in the laundry, and […]
Apron #1…
D’s school is having a fundraising auction party thing next month, so I decided to make some aprons to auction off… here’s the first one… an adult 1/2 apron… with fleur de lis all over it… so I scanned the fleur de lis, enlarged it, and used some perle thread to embroider it on some […]
double wedding square
I really like traditional double wedding ring quilts, but I wanted to try a more square-ish design… I just sorta drew out the design on a piece of newspaper and went at it… I’m not sure I love it, but I DOOOO love the back:isn’t it COOL?!?!?!?
D really really really wanted me to make him the stuffed trolley from Wee Wonderfulsso here it is: D did NOT want button wheels, because that wouldn’t be soft and squishy in his bed. he wanted felt, so I improv-ed these.he’s super happy, therefore, I am super happy.(also, I really want to make EVERYTHING else […]