Knit leggings
Knit leggings
Radio silence…
I’m working on stuff for Robert Kaufman that I can’t post about now, but I took pics of these cool hexie selvages for my friend Jules, and thought y’all might wanna seethem….
Tada! Here’s my new bag!!! (Fancy setting, right? garage door handles make great bag backgrounds) somehow in the last 2 days I lost my rose fabric. Luckily last week I bought 1/2 a yard of this gorgeous Pezzy print at Sew Modern, and it was just enough for the lining, and it matches PERFECTLY. LOVE. […]
I tried 2 hardware stores, and could only find silver rings, so they don’t match the zipper, but I love the bag anyway. btw, these pics were taken in the parking lot of my kiddos’ school. I thought the sailing themed bag needed a photograph at the beach… and it was SUCH a beautiful day.
Fabric paint
I cut the ends off some stalks of celery, and was reminded that the ends make awesome rose stamps… so the Bean and I pulled out some plain home-dec fabric and some fabric paint, and had at it… I did one side, she did the other. I think it’ll be a new bag.
Beach School Sewing, finale.
a set of pencil bags for all the kids in one family (1 boy, 2 girls, all coordinating so they can’t fight over them!) beachy pot-holders vintage-y potholders and then just a little playing around… I was thinking of making a little bag for my new phone, but it might need to be turned into […]
Final prototype
OOOOH! Squee! I am in LOOOOOOVE. My new bag is exactly what I want, and I just whipped this final puppy up in about an hour (not including cutting, which might have taken almost 1/2 an hour). Simple and clean and FUNCTIONAL and (if I do say so myself) CUTE!!! Here it is empty: It’s […]
Bag planning…
We went downtown yesterday to buy leather. Man, shopping on a busy day in the garment district with 2 kids is stressful. the Bean talked me into that pre-ruffled magenta knit. It’s going to be a very simple a-line dress. I need a new handbag. I originally thought I might just remake this Hobo International […]
Its growing…
Almost as slowly quickly as my belly. what is it about quilts in progress that’s is sooooo attractive to kitties?