This post could also be acurately labeled as “Things that make me happy:”
I got a new planner last week (well, I picked it up last week, but I ordered it several weeks ago)
It’s the LIFE planner by Erin Condren, and I chose to put my own picture on the cover (free option!), so I put my cathedral windows quilt on it. LOVE IT. It makes me SO happy. and it’s useful, and I used a coupon, so it’s basically a win all the way around.
I just received the Pirate Bunnies pattern, and am working on making D a matching sweater (useful) before making him the bunny (decorative)… hopefully both will be done by Xmas. I love the fabric of my little project bag, (I think it’s Darlene Zimmerman, but I’m not sure), and I love mindless knitting, so this bag and the stuff inside is making me happy. (the natural wool is Cascade Ecowool, and the blue is a lighter weight wool, not sure what it is)
I’ve been working on my embroidered blocks; here’s the one I finished in SF, and the current WIP. I’m a little stumped as to what this one lacks, but it certainly needs more… maybe a bee? I saw these teeny daisies at a bunch of parks in SF, but forgot to look at the leaves, so…. not sure what to do…. I love all the lazy daisy stitches though!
and I forgot what flower this one is based on, but my gram drew this one:
the stems were not done as planned, but I really liked the look as I was working on them, so I think I’m gonna leave them like this… I’m gonna show the close up, because I’m SO proud of my stem-stitch improvement!
Also, I have to show this: I took the picture because I love the colors, (it’s my bedroom) of my Double Wedding Ring quilt and the walls, and I extra love that my daughter has taped some artwork to my wall. (the framed pic is an artsy pic of D in a field in Menocino, taken by C). Hopefully this is what my life stays like, happy and colorful and full of random artwork taped to walls….