So I made these 2 blocks a while back (shh, don’t tell, but the yellow flannel-bush flower isn’t actually done), but I really didn’t like the black background, so I turned them into this little doll quilt.
I used… um, a light green kona that was in the backing fabric.
and the backing fabric was this really pretty, but also sort of odd, fat quarter I’d bought at Momen+ a long time ago and never used….
Here’s a close up of the block I never posted:
(see the unfinished bit in the upper left corner?I just stopped.)
I hand quilted the whole thing in random straight lines, stopping about 1/2 from embroidery, and restarting 1/2″ after. I LOVE it.
mostly because I can see major progress in my embroidery skills. These two blocks were mostly stem stitch with some chain and back stitching for the leaves. My stitches are finally becoming small enough to look good.
all these persnickety details mean nothing to The Bean, however, who claimed it instantly, rapped it around Maid Marion, and has used it daily.
(photos taken at the fort at the Marin Headlands, while C was taking pics of the bridge and some Anchor beer.)(for work, not for fun)