A birthday dress (with navy blue leggings), for a little girl…
I cut into some REALLY pretty yellow (and blue and red) fabric from Sew Modern, and made the Bean a little pleated jumper… She’s about to be a Yellow Bird!
I’m super proud of the way I lined up the prints on the front (but I’m not showing the sides or back. 1 word: oops)
I opened up the packages I got last week… that’s a bolt of yellow and red fishies on blue background (for the outside) and a large roll of white PUL (for the inside), strapped together with a dinner place sized roll of cotton webbing (still waiting on the zippers)… I’m about to turn them into 30 (plus a few extra) “wet bags” (aka dirty bags, for those of you who cloth diaper), which will hold the snack dishes and utensils at my kiddos’ preschool. we’re going green….
To make sure I remember how to make them, I whipped up 2 tonight…
The squirrel bag is going to be a bribe reward for the first person to turn in their emergency forms, and the pink bag with a D is for the daughter of the mom who’s helping me get all the forms organized…
all I have in my own stash of PUL is BRIGHT turquoise, so…
(BTW, that’s my habitat challenge quilt in the background, thread basted, waiting to be hand quilted as soon as I find-my-old, build-a-new go buy a new quilting frame….
BUT, I figured out how to streamline the sewing (minimal foot changes: zipper, regular, Teflon), and I’m ready to go to work on those snack bags as soon as I get the zippers tomorrow…
Now back to my knitting. I’m trying to make it work….