I had this leftover super cute green froggie print (from these pants), and some beige-ish twill, so I made another backpack… I admit I thought D would want this one more than the blue one, but nope, he’s sticking with the blue… (he did ask if he could have both, but I ixnay-ed that idea.)
Now I need to make one more for the Bean (in the WORLD’S CUTEST CAR FABRIC), and maybe one for me (although the only fabric I have left is either solid maroon with no contrasting print, or pink/white zebra stripes, ICK), and then I’ll BE DONE! (until I teach the class at SEW MODERN in September! check out sewmodernonline.com or call the store for details!)
Here’s the class sample, (made by Lauren, coolest person EVER) in the cute car fabric (but mine’s pink, not blue)
I’m calling this one the Big Enough Backpack, because it is just big enough, not too big, for a small person…. It’s larger than a toddler backpack, can fit a folder or binder, and a lunch, but isn’t overly heavy or complicated or anything… it’s just big enough for kinder/1st grade… Here’s the side view, on a child-sized mannequin (size 6):
must go work on pattern now…. Adobe Illustrator and I have a real love/hate thing right now….