Ok, so a month ago, the lovely peeps at Robert Kaufman asked if I could make the Speedy Zip Dress in a knit for their Spring Quilt Market booth. I said yes (duh), but after lots and lots of tests, had to just write a whole different pattern for the knit fabric. So it looks similar, but this pattern is for knits, and has no zipper. (incidentally, that’s also why the Speedy Zip dress pattern isn’t done yet. Look for it on Sunday)
SO, here’s the dress in their booth (see it hanging back there?)
And here are all the (good) versions I made along the way!
I made a tiny 12m size for the pattern instructions:And of course, I made a bunch for the Bean as I figured out dimensions
she LOVED wearing this one (it’s the one in the booth right now)
It was so hot, she was desperate to wear something this cool and comfy, wouldn’t even wait for me to hem it or add pockets (not-hemming is TOTALLY an option with this lovely knit fabric)
and, just to show how fun this is, Google Photo made me a GIF, and I love it.
(you have to click on the thumbnail to get it to play)
You can see in the GIF that the hem-binding/bubble-skirt effect really helps keep the skirt down during all sorts of crazy play.
All the dresses were made with Robert Kaufman Laguna Cotton Jersey (all the prints are from Ann Kelle’s new RemixKnits line), and I highly recommend using this awesome, soft, 100% cotton jersey if you make your own.
The dress pattern is now available in my Pattern Shop