As mentioned in this post about PAINT! I’ve totally redesigned my BoPeep pattern, and I’m in LOVE.
it’s super clean and reversible, and, best of all, my daughter LOVES it. She has about 8 now, that she wears pretty much constantly.
I posted some of my tests on Instagram, (I’m @ramonarose over there), and some kind friends were awesome enough to test the pattern for me (Chris, Raych, Katie, and Rhonda, THANK YOU!).
The new dress is completely reversible, the way Katie did it in these pictures, or you can designate an outer and a lining, if you want. there’s no hand-sewing, not even a little bit of whipstitching closed, and, best of all, it’s super comfortable. My daughter can dress herself (the contrast front panel even makes it easy to put on the RIGHT way, and since it’s reversible, there’s no way for her to wear it inside out!!!), and loves all the options she’s got.
To celebrate the new version of this pattern, (search bopeep on my site if you want to see the old version), I’m going to give away 3 copies of the pattern, so comment on this post, (you can just say hi, or you can tell me who you’ll be making it for!), and I’ll draw winners on Wednesday!
UPDATE: Giveaway winners are 2, 4, and 7, according to Random.org. I’ll be contacting the winners via email, but if you were a winner, and you haven’t heard from me, email me!