Another version of my next pattern, (woven cotton sleep sack with swaddle wings)… this time in Kona Modern Quilts (merlot colorway), and the inside is Kona Cerise:
I was able to try it on a 5 week old yesterday to test sizing, placement, and it was SO perfect. LOVE it. (This version is going to be a gift for a friend’s little girl)
The 5 week old (Alissa’s baby Gabe) needed a little outfit, right? So I made the outfit on the left for him, and my friend Rosanna had a baby last week (a little girl), so I whipped out a girlier version for her:
these might be my new go-to new baby gifts. I can whip them out in under an hour, and they’re SO cute… (the lion romper fabric is Roar by Print and Pattern (an RK designer), lined with orange kona, and the dots were a remnant I found at Joanns…
I made up this little collared romper for my little dude, hopefully… I found the fabric in my stash, probably from 6 years ago… I’m lovin’ the little camp collar. Hopefully it’ll fit…
We pulled out all the baby stuff last weekend, and discovered that we don’t have any newborn covers for our cloth diapers any more, so I whipped out a few, using this pattern (slightly modified for an umbilical cord)
I bought the PUL from Joanns, and it’s not as shiny as the kinds I’ve used before, so I’m curious as to how waterproof they’ll be…
hopefully these 6 covers will be enough till he gets into the smalls I have already… though I have enough supplies to make a dozen more, probably…