…so, I’m starting to panic about getting things done. The kiddos wanted to know why I didn’t make a blanket for Crockett’s basket, and I tried to explain a sleep sack to them. THey didn’t get it. So tonight I made one to show them how he’d sleep. I saw that the new Halo ones have swaddle wings. BRILLIANT. so here’s my version, but much nicer than the ployester fleece Halo sacks, as mine is 100% cotton (flannel on the outside, quilting cotton on the inside).
Step 1, put the Baby in the sack:
step 2, zip it up and snap the top:
step 3, wrap the baby’s right side:
step 4, wrap the baby’s left side so the Aplix (softer brand of hook and loop tape than velcro) sticks:
step 5, of course, is pace and shush for hours, joggling, rocking, swaying, until baby actually sleeps in the sleep sack… no pictures of that step yet, though….
I know the inside fabric is Robert Kaufman Remix, and I think the outside is a Dr Seuss flannel, but I can’t find it on the RK website… it’s definitely an RK fabric though. and I love it. SO soft… The arm scyes, neck, and the swaddle wings are all bound with bias tape…
I’m in love. hope Crockett likes it as much as I do.,..