ok, I’m uploading pics for the giveaway, I promise, but in the meantime, lookit what the Bean and I made her today:
(the dress, not the wings)
She wants to be Tinkerbell to go with D’s Peter Pan, but she didn’t have a “tinkerbell dress.” Now, I’m NOT anti-Disney, I LOVE Disney, but I think my kids are too little for the movies, and I don’t want to buy commercial toys/costumes for them. D and I are reading J.M. Barrie’s original story, and the illustrations are GORGEOUS, and that’s enough. So I went and bought these wings yesterday (I’m no masochist!), and looked for something appropriate for my almost-3 year old girl, and couldn’t find anything. Everything was either totally risque or looked uncomfortable and itchy.
So, we took a quick trip to Joanns together, and looked at the costume-y fabrics that were on sale.
1 yard of this soft stretchy stuff was 3 bucks, so I bought a yard of pink (her choice) and green (to match the wings), and today she helped me iron, cut, sew, and shir the dress. Even with her “help” on my lap, we made it in under 30 minutes (which is about the extent of her patience. I need to go finish the sleeves, probably, but it’s a knit, so it won’t fray too badly).
I made it with my super simple Henny Penny Dress, which, er, um, hopefully, I’ll post soon…
Now back to quilt tops for RK.
OH, and I’m finally joining the Twitterverse for reals, so say hi to me! I’m @localredvine