I have a LOT of leftover from the quilt top I’m piecing for RKF right now.
the selvedges are going to my friend Jules.
But that leaves a LOT of fabric.
Would you like some?
Leave a comment (and make sure either your profile is linked to your email, or just leave your email), and I’ll pick a random winner on Sunday night (October 9th) to receive a nice little mail package of some yardage (probably at least a 1/4 yard if not more of all those pretty prints) (edited to add: I haven’t finished the quilt top, so I’m not sure how much will be left over, but I’ll send out AT LEAST a 1/4 yard of all the prints.)
I’ve never seen metalic used so elegantly!
The Random # Generator picked #5, Pamelia Jane, as the winner of the fabric.
Lucky for the rest of you, I have more fabric to give away later in the week…